Wednesday, May 30, 2012

5/29 - KB day...

It was KB day today... the WOD didn't look too bad on the board but it was rather deceiving...

Strength/ Skills

Did four sets of 5 reps of OHS which I haven't done it a while - again, trying to increase my confidence/ repetition for snatching.  Also, new PR.

10 KB swings (heavy!)
20 KB circles
300m KB carry
20 KB swings (heavy!)
40 KB circles
200m KB carry
30 KB swings (heavy!)
60 KB circles
100m KB carry
14:13 20kg KB

I went with a 20kg KB as I haven't used my arms much lately... I managed to break the swings into sets of 10's until the last round where I did mostly sets of 5.  The circles were pretty solid, full sets but managed to rip my hands on the last 5 of the round - full on exploded blood blister that was a bit messy on the last KB carry but made it.  There is no easy way to carry a KB at all... it's just awkward all around but made it.

2 min kettlebell swings KB front squats
score = number of swings x KB weight

29 reps x 24kg (2x12kg KB) = 696

After the exploded blood blister I wasn't risking any further damage with more swings so instead I got to do KB front squats - my legs are hurting but I made it through - sets of 5's mostly but oh so hard. 

5/28 - thrusters and DU's

Back at the box today with sore legs from yesterdays beach sprints and SUP session...  what better way to do a bunch of thrusters to ease the pain (sarcasm!)

Skills Practice

Practiced a bunch of reps at 28 with full depth squat which I need to get better at.  As the weight increased I was just power snatching (no problem) but I know that to keep getting higher weights I have to gain the confidence to drop into the squat every time.

4 rounds -
15 thrusters (30/45kg)
30 double-unders
200m run
13:54 Rx

The thrusters were a challenge for sure.  Most rounds I did sets of 5 until the end were there were some sets of 3.  I kept pushing though because I'd gotten slightly ahead of Kayla on the first round of DU's and I didn't want her to catch me (and she'd make up ground every round on the thrusters and sprints).  The DU's were solid for me - I did a few rounds unbroken or with only one trip up so I managed to gain a lot of ground here.  The runs I didn't go all out on because I knew I'd need my breath for the thrusters but I still managed to keep a steady pace throughout.  I was happy with this one.

1 min max thrusters squat cleans (same weight)
1 min max double-unders
11 squat cleans
80 double unders 

After 60 thrusters my shoulders were starting to rebel a bit - that was a lot of heavy reps overhead after a few weeks without so instead of doing more (at the same weight) I did full squat cleans for one minute.  These still hurt a lot (my tired quads).  The double unders rocked!  I beat my previous PR for consecutive DU's by two reps - it's now 55 straight which was awesome. So stoked with that as I had zero expectations for the minute and just focused on staying relaxed and under control.

Monday, May 28, 2012

5/27 - Sunday Sprints and SUP

Beach Interval Sprints
10 rounds
10 second sprint
50 second slow jog

Tim joined me for my weekend beach run and instead of a steady 2.5km beach run we did interval sprints.  I suggested 10 or 20 seconds on with the rest of the minute recovery time and thankfully we agreed upon 10 seconds of 'work'.  It was challenging, especially on tired legs.  It's quite impressive how far you actually do go in 10 seconds.  The 50 seconds of recovery was a good amount of time to catch your breath and get ready to go again.  Overall it was a short workout but I definitely felt in just a few hours later when I jumped on my SUP...

1.5km easy SUP session

This was great!  Because of my shoulders I haven't paddled at all in almost a month - while the rest was great for my body I didn't realize how much I missed it until I was out there again on a stunningly warm and sunshine-y morning.  Stimo brought some relative beginners out (and a bunch of his race boards) so we had an easy cruise down the river.  We switched around at the sandbar and I snuck onto Stimo's new DC 14' board.  It's a beauty.  Great shape, feels fast in the flats and real easy to jump onto runners with - there were a few times where I was able to read the water, take a few quick hard strokes and get a board length on him, it was awesome.  Good way to slowly ease back into it - I don't have any hard paddling in me yet (the worst thing for my shoulders) but going easy is great.

Still feeling my abs from "Annie" on thursday but also makes me realize that I do use them for stabilization on my board too.

5/25 - Comp Training Night #1

Warning... do not eat the majority of a cow (Brazillian lunch - lots and lots of meat) before a crossfit session of any kind.  It does not feel good.

Primal Throwdown 2011- WOD 1
Amrap 5 mins
with 30kg barbell:
deadlift=1pt (42rep)
c+j=4pts (24reps)
squat snatch=9pts (0reps)
138 points
rest 1 min
800m run= 4:04

We partnered up and judged each other on this.  In the warm-up before I went I demonstrated a couple of squat snatches for Kayla and I wasn't getting deep enough (need more practice at getting full squat depth) so I stuck with the C+J.  It was great when Kayla mentioned that when I was trying to rest/ catch my breath on the C+J's to get in some deadlifts which, at 30kg was quite easy to do so I got more point.

The run was really hard.  I made it but it most definitely wasn't my best effort.

Friday, May 25, 2012

5/24 - the day with all the wods...

Today was a pretty shit day so what better way to utilize all my emotions than with a whole lotta crossfit.  My good bud Tim met me early at the box so we could get a bit of work in before the class wods - a big thanks to him for both cheering me up and also working out with me on his 'rest' day.

Because it was his rest day we did Annie, ab-mat Annie - no heavy lifting...

WOD #1
"Ab-mat Annie"
double unders
ab-mat sit-ups

Tim beat me by 23(?) seconds but most of that was because I tripped a few more times than him on the first round of du's.  He was 6 sit-ups in before I started into the 50.  It was a lot of fun though - knowing we were both going hard pushed us each to go harder to keep up so that was good.  It helped me PR by almost a minute - 53 seconds faster than last time which I loved especially with tripping on the du's - I know I have more time to shave off this wod and it's also the first time I've used an ab-mat as well which seemed to make it harder - something about the full ab extension while gasping for air made it hurt that much more but it was good.

My emotions started to really come through on the last two sets of sit-ups which was both good (getting them out) and bad (as I was struggling enough).  There were however moments where I was solely focused on the workout and my body and that was a sweet relief.

WOD #2
front squats

I wanted to lift heavy stuff and since we'd done back squats on tuesday I went with front squats just for a bit of a change up.  Clearly I haven't done heavy front squats (or back squats either for that matter) in a while as I PRed by 20kg!  I was quite happy with this and didn't try for anything more as we had 45 reps of front squats in the WOD.  My front squat PR is now 5kg higher than my backsquat which means I need to do some heavy backsquat lifting when my legs are tired (from so many box jumps)

3RM push press/jerk

I stopped at 40kg as it was the first time in 2 weeks that I'd lifted anything overhead and I felt a bit of strain in my shoulders.  No need to push it and set myself back even further.  Plus we had 45 more reps of push press coming up in the WOD.

WOD #3
push press/jerk (30/45kg)
front squat
8:36 Rx

Was pretty happy with this overall since my shoulders were feeling mostly better.  The push presses were still really hard - to the point where I was in fact push jerking them by the end but I felt solid in the movement, really popping through the hips rather than trying to muscle it out though there were a few reps that I didn't completely lock out my arms and had to push the last bit - just after that I started to push jerk instead which helped a lot more.  The squats were pretty steady and felt really good - it probably had a lot to do with already having gone much heavier on them as well.

AfterWOD (aka WOD #4)
Tabata Cleans
3 reps every 20 seconds
2 reps every 10 seconds
(max. reps last 30 seconds)

This was a lot of fun though after the first 20 seconds it almost became 5 reps at the start of each 10 second as there wasn't much time to put the bar down after the two reps and then pick it up again for the 3.  I did feel really good in this movement - lots of focus on tightening my upper back so that I was smooth from the ground before exploding from the hang position.  I thought the weight would feel heavier toward the end but I didn't slow down at all in the reps - took about 8 seconds each round to do the 3 reps.  Nice change of format and "surprise" after WOD.  It's been a great week or so of change up programming including the warmp-ups (we did another 'team' portion of the warm-up again today too and it was amusing and functional).

The bonus of now having 'extra' time on my hands - besides having to look for a job - I can do more strength training with Tim and Pete leading up to the Primal Throwdown which is in a month.  Focus on the positives.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Paleo Banana Walnut Chocolate Muffins

The latest paleo recipe that I tried. Noticed that I have another similar recipe that includes almond butter but I much prefered this version. They are lighter and bundles of bite sized goodness. I was quite amused after Pete and Tim had tried them and Pete's first question was 'are those paleo?'... see - eating healthy can also be tasty!

I don't know the source of the original recipe (sorry), my changes/ additions are in bold.

Paleo Banana Walnut Pecan Chocolate Muffins

2 ripe bananas (I just used the ones I had - probably about 6 or so small ones and added more almond flour/ coconut at the end to make up to muffin consistency)
2-1/4 cups almond flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 TBSP cinnamon (sadly I forgot this)
4 TBSP coconut oil (approximated as mine was solid)
3 eggs
tsp vanilla
1 cup Enjoy Life chocolate chips (used dark chocolate chips but can also coarsely chop up a dark chocolate bar)
1 cup chopped walnuts (I used pecans and approximated based on what looked tasty to me)
1/4 cup (approx.) flax seeds
1/2 cup (approx.) coconut flakes

Preheat oven to 350 degrees
In a large bowl mash bananas with a fork
add eggs, coconut oil, and vanilla, mix
whisk to get rid of any large chunks
I'm lazy so the bananas, eggs, coconut oil, and vanilla went into the blender until smooth
In a smaller bowl combine the dry ingredients (almond flour, baking soda, and cinnamon)
Slowly stir dry ingredients into the wet ingredients until fully mixed.
I added wet into the bowl of dry ingredients and mixed with a fork - I then added a bit more almond meal and coconut because I had excess bananas (it's all very scientific - clearly)
mix in Walnuts pecans and chocolate chips
drop spoonfuls into lined muffin pan
Bake for approx. 15 mins (this was a good time for the mini muffins, the large ones needed another 5 minutes)

5/22 - tired legs...

Back at it today and man my legs are really feeling tired.  The warm-up on it's own was pretty tough (your workout is our warm-up? ya, about that)...  that being said, it was Coach Pete's warm-up - always dynamic, varied and sure to include hollow body holds (that last forever)...

300m jog
2 rounds
10 hand release push-ups (I did ring rows instead)
10 jumping squats (ouch my tired legs)
10 deadlifts (using biggest blue bands)
45 second hollow body hold (told you)

We followed this up by doing partner sprints... but wait, there's a catch (isn't there always) - we did these with resistance - using the blue bands - one partner had the band around their waist, the other was behind them trying to hold them back.  I was partnered with Kayla and she could stand there and hold me back even as I was running as hard as I could - so not fair.  She did manage to ease up on me (a tiny bit) to allow me to get to the other side of the room.  We each did 5 sprints and then again - two each - but this time with the partner holding you back by your hips for a few strides then letting go - it was like a rocket launch - you had to be ready or you would fall over your feet.  It was fun.  And... that was the warm-up.  I was definitely feeling the millions of box jumps and quad work I've done over the past week but... I kept on going.

Work up to 3 RM back squat

Stopped at 55 due to fatigue.  Not even my PR but enough for the day.  I need to find the balance between getting below my hip crease and not getting too low where I lose the connection to the squat (which I'm trying to get away from doing).  Was good to be working in partners for this and getting the instant feedback.  I also managed to keep the bar lower on my back this time (improvement from last go round - yay!)

15 minute AMRAP
1 x 200m run
3 x back squat (around 70% of 3RM - used 45kg)
5 x burpees (subbed forward burpee things)
7 x box jumps (used 24" box)
9 x push-ups (subbed ring rows)

This was structured a bit differently and was quite fun.  We worked in pairs (or threes for some groups).  the first person ran 200m and then 'tagged' their partner.  The 15 minute clock didn't start until the first person got back from the run.  From there on out you just proceeded through the WOD - there were no other tags or waiting on partner, etc. but you *could* pass your partner if it got to that point.  Thankfully Kayla didn't lap me though if the WOD had been longer she might have (she finished her 6th round as I finished the run on my 6th).

The first round of back squats was really hard - I swear my legs were barely functioning after the run - it was quite a weird sensation.  The 'forward' burpees are (still) horrible but five wasn't too bad - it's not the getting up part but rather the jump to reach the bar that gets me (and my tired legs).  The box jumps were a lot of fun.  I've been practicing!  I try to set myself up at the top so that I can hit the ground and rebound up.  I'm starting to just ignore the fact that I could do some serious damage to my shins and just go for it and it's working.  Fingers crossed it stays that way.  The ring rows were solid and I think I did all but one round unbroken.  It was a good one.

It was also a lot of fun to cheer for others during the run and provide motivation when possible.  There was one run that Glen was struggling on and as I caught him he said 'I'll run this with you' so that was good even as he called me some names at pushing him to keep at it... it was good and the fist bump at the end made it all worth it as I could tell he was happy to have pushed himself just a bit more.  Sometimes it's all we need - that little outside voice to keep us at it.

Rest tonight and my legs are really looking forward to it.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

5/21 - (modified) Regionals WOD #6

Today was a good one - we did a variation on Regionals WOD  #6 as two of our coaches had just returned from the Australian Regionals the night before.  It was fun and I really liked the different format of it. 

3 rounds of -
7 deadlifts (60/80kg)
7 hand release push-ups ring rows
3 rounds of -
21 squat jumps
7 toes to bar
100m KB farmers carry (heavy!)
28 box jumps (20/24″)
100m KB farmers carry
3 hand release push-ups ring rows
17 min cut-off 

11:47 (Rx, 2x20kg KB, 24" for box jumps)

I subbed ring rows for the pushups as I'm still trying to let my shoulders heal and I'd rather ease back slowly (eliminating anything that kind of hurts) than trying to push it and setting myself back more - this is really hard for me though.

The deadlifts and ring rows were all unbroken.  The squat jumps were hard - my quads were tired from all the box jumps and leg work last week followed up by my beach run the day before but I pushed through them.  The toes to bar were fun, I haven't done these in a while and I really like them now - the first set was unbroken then 5-2 and 4-3.  I was happy with that.

I used two 20kg KB's for the farmers carry and my forearms killed.  I had to put them down on each one just over half way through - I didn't want to but I just couldn't hold on anymore.  The box jumps are getting better (I've done enough of them lately).  I'm actually starting to really like them and continue to challenge myself on the 24" box even though there were 20" boxes available at the time.  I was (mostly) stringing two together at a time (drop down and bounce right back up) though I still struggle with this.  I'm happy to keep practicing them though.  I really did enjoy this one and it seemed to take a lot longer than it actually did which was a good feeling. 

Team WOD
2 rep power clean “boat race” – AMRAP 3 mins

This was another fun one - we had teams of 3 and each person did 2 power cleans then once they'd locked out in the second rep the next person went and so on until the time was up.  We (just) completed 16 rounds.  We flew through the last minute even though it was getting harder.  I thought there would be more rest but it seemed like just as I put the bar down I had to be ready to pick it up again.  I used 33kg and it was good.  I was able to maintain a solid pace and good form throughout.

Monday, May 21, 2012

5/20 - Beach Run and food!

Another beach run this morning even as I didn't want to get out of bed.  That being said, original plan was to start running at 7:30 (per usual) but didn't make it til just after 8:30.  The upside is that I still did it.  So there was that.  No watch, no idea how long it took just a solid 2.5(ish)km run on the beach...  one day I might actually remember to both charge and bring my garmin to actually find out the distance.  Ran up and down the stairs instead of trudging through the one spot that requires going through the water but otherwise all the same.

Managed to also be a bit more organized this weekend as well and got a bunch of cooking done last night - planned food for the week.


Clockwise (from top left)
-stir fried mushrooms and brussel sprouts
-egg muffins with tomatoes, bacon, green onions and mushrooms
-banana pecan paleo mini-muffins
-cashew chicken with green onions, carrots, red pepper (perfect for lettuce wraps)
-kangaroo chunks for lunch with veggies

Friday, May 18, 2012

5/17 - my burning lungs...

Another fun night at the box... though I would (always) much rather do double-unders (1/3 less of course) than singles that's not what Coach Match had on board for our programming tonight.  It was very cardio intense but good during a week when I'm still resting my shoulder...

We had a fun warm-up.  Coach Tim had us bring a light weight KB with us on our warm up run and we stopped around the back of the box and did some swings (squats for me) and a bit more running - backwards, high knees, etc) and then we divided up into two teams for a bit of a relay - run 50m with your KB, do 10 swings and sprint back to tag the next person (do shoulder swings, jumping jacks, etc. while waiting).  Was a great way to change things up and perfect evening to be outside. 

100m run + 100 single-unders
200m run + 200 single-unders
300m run + 300 single-unders
200m run + 200 single-unders
100m run + 100 single-unders

Felt good to be out running the sprints but the single-unders were a mental battle all the way through - that and a lesson in counting (but that's a completely different item).  I felt solid in the sprints and love running hard now that it's not a million degrees outside.  It's also great that it's getting dark now as well - it makes me feel faster.  The singles were a challenge in that I just can't go any faster on them and when I'd trip up (only once typically per round) - I'd do it back to back - as in the first skip after a stop I'd trip again.  That was frustrating.  But alas... 

10 ab mat sit-ups + 10 KB swings box jumps (24")
20 ab mat sit-ups + 20 KB swings box jumps
30 ab mat sit-ups + 30 KB swings box jumps
20 ab mat sit-ups + 20 KB swings box jumps
10 ab mat sit-ups + 10 KB swings box jumps

Still the week of no arm work for me and so I substituted box jumps (again) for KB swings.  I'm really starting to love box jumps and while 20" is typically the standard for women I'm enjoying the challenge of the 24" box.  On one of the rounds I had just finished the sit-ups and Coach Match was in the corner and called me out to get right on the box jumps and I did and managed to do 5 consecutive - dropping down and bouncing right back up - which I'd never done before, I struggle with this on the 20" box let alone the 24" but it's faster and I was all about being more efficient.  It took a bit more out of me but I can't wait to get better at it.  I did a few more with 2 or 3 consecutive jumps which made me quite happy - the only thing I worry about is missing and my shin being destroyed by the side of the box (short people problems).

I go back today for more needling on my shoulder (which is strangely still bruised from last weeks session) and hopefully that's the end of it.  It's feeling mostly good - just some movements that are a little sore and while I could probably do the wods as written I don't want to rush back into things just to have another set back - I'd rather take the extra time and fully heal before going hard again.  Metal struggle for sure but I know that it'll be better in the long run.  Hoping to get out on my surfski this weekend - that should be good for mobility of my shoulder without using the paddling muscles which are why I have this recurring issue.

Friday Funnies...

Thursday, May 17, 2012

WOD Team Championship Videos

Videos from the WOD Team Championship competition that we completed a few weeks back - thanks Tim, Kayla and Pete for being awesome teammates in this.   Summary of the day can be found here.



Wednesday, May 16, 2012

5/15 - six pack?

If it's possible to achieve a six-pack in a day I'm well on my way... did the iWod again tonight and it hurt.  Was a good solid chipper (Coach Pete's birthday WOD) but with my altered movements there were some solid sections of cardio and abs rather than the legs, abs, arms format that was intended.

30 lateral box jumps (side to side over box) - 20" (instead of deadlifts)
30 cockroaches
90 double unders (instead of 30 pull-ups)
30 air squats (butt to bar)
30 ab mat situps with plate (on chest) - 10kg
30 toes to bar (on ground) (instead of push-ups)
30 russian twists - 10kg
hollow body hold* (instead of kb swings)
14:21** (11:49)

I'll get back to the beginning in a moment but want to clarify the *'s first.
*initially when re-programming the WOD Pete had suggested that I accumulate a total of 1 minute of hollow body hold.  As I was about to start this Coach Match noticed that Pete (who was doing the WOD with us) was just about to start his KB swings (the last movement which I substituted hollow body for) and told me to hold the hollow body while Pete was swinging his KB and only rest when he did.  I finished the russian twists at 11:49 and then spent the better part of the next 2.5 minutes doing hollow body - it hurt.  A lot.  The funniest part of this was that Pete had no idea that this had turned into a 'partner' wod at this point.  Heh.  My time is identical to Pete's because of this last portion of work.  Fun but my abs were screaming at this point.

I haven't done a chipper in a long time so that was fun.  The lateral box jumps were hard and scary - almost scrapped up my shins a few times jumping sideways high enough onto the box.  Kept a steady pace through these but definitely got my heart rate up.

The cockroaches although quick to get through also kept my heart racing which didn't help when I progressed into the double-unders.  My sets were 30-20-20-10-10 because I was breathing so hard.  Cardio heavy portion of the wod complete.

The air squats initially felt a little odd as you had to drop a bit lower than just below hip crease to hit the bar.  Once your body had an idea of where this was they then felt pretty solid.  Managed to get through them pretty steadily with just a few breaks to shake out my legs which were already hurting from all the jumping the night before.

Next up was the ab heavy portion of the wod (for me).  The ab mat sit ups were suddenly much hard with 10kg on your chest (versus no additional weight at all) but I kept at it with a few quick breaks.  The harder part was then transitioning to the toes to bar while my abs were already screaming.  It definitely kicked it into another level - same muscles reversed movement.  Ouch!  After these the russian twists weren't too bad - quickly through them and then the hollow body as noted above... Coach Match was hardcore as well telling me to keep my legs straight - that it'd hurt but be so good for me...  I tried as best I could but Pete is a beast breaking out solid sets of the 32kg KB swings (three sets of 10 maybe?).  Mentally I went between wanting him to finish faster and wanting him to drop the kb so I could rest.  So hard not knowing what rep he was even on.  Fun though - it's what makes us better in the end.

Rest day today.  Shoulder is slowly getting better but not going to rush back into anything.  I need to be smart with this even as I fight wanting to do more and knowing I shouldn't.  More on this in another post...

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

5/14 - iWod...

I'm taking a break this week from using my shoulder - rest is the only treatment and so I am officially on the iWod program as my box likes to call it... i(njury)Wod. 

keg lifts

Our coaches did the strongman competition with Rob Orlando on the weekend and were eager to pass along some of the fun on the first day back.  We played around with the kegs then did sets of 10 squats and presses (I skipped these).  It was fun and new but I still think I'm a fan of barbells though definitely can see the added challenge that the kegs provide.

Box Jumps (24")
Get-up jumps (?)

The programmed wod was the same format with KB swings and push-ups so I couldn't do any of it.  I decided since Coach Match had suggested box jumps to go with the 24" box just to push myself (normally women's programming is 20") and it was a good challenge.  I managed a few times to string two jumps together but the second jump took a lot out of me as I concentrated on not killing myself.  I liked it though.  The trouble was...

The second movement - I'm calling them get-up jumps but really I don't know the "technical" name - basically you lay (fell) back flat onto the ground and then did a situp straight back up onto your feet (I had to tuck a leg under because I can't just roll onto my feet like some can) and then jump up to touch the bar - almost like a reverse burpee if that makes any sense.  Anyway, they kind of suck just as much especially with the jumping at the end.  So much jumping.

The standard wod was designed to take about 6 or so minutes for the group - I was on 5's when the rest of the class was finished - yes, it was a hard iwod.  Coach Pete was awesome as he literally counted me through the rest of my sets,  I kept moving throughout, didn't take too much rest but setting myself up to actually make the jumps (on both movements) was what took up more time.  I finished just after the 10minute cut-off and while the rest of the class had already moved on to the afterwod.

30 ab mat sit-ups, run 300m, 30 ab mat sit-ups

I started this after everyone else had finished but was still happy to do it.  Steady on the sit-ups and fast on the run, I really pushed the run knowing I only had to do it once.  I felt fast but who really knows.  I need to do some track repeats or something to get a better idea of how long sprints actually take me.  The second set of sit-ups hurt but were steady and it was over.

All I could think today is how beastly my legs are going to be after this week... Ha!

Monday, May 14, 2012

5/13 - Beach Run

Two separate beach runs makes one a beach runner correct?  Haha, I went for another beach run on the weekend - same route as before (I find it mentally easier somehow) and it was awesome.  I LOVED it... and coming from me that is a big statement.  HUGE.  I am not a runner, I don't enjoy running but this was good.  I did the same approx. 2.5km distance in about 26:30 however this includes navigating my way around a rock outcrop which includes not being bashed by the waves and not drowing even though the water is up to my waist.  I had to time it with the water so that took up a few minutes in each direction.  Fun though.

I think I'm going to start doing this regularly.  I quite enjoyed it especially as this time my legs weren't trashed from a week of heavy squats. 

R- I know you didn't make it though I'm sure you got my text.... would have been fun to run together again but regardless you got me out of my comfy bed so thanks for that...

Saturday, May 12, 2012

5/11 - "Clean and Jerks"

Last week of Clean and Jerks!  Another good one partnering up with Kirst.  We did a few of the movements we've been working on over the past three weeks then it was on to setting some PR's similar to the final snatch session.

3 sets 3x hang clean to split jerk (23/28/33kg)
3 sets 2x squat clean (33/38/40kg)
3 sets 2x clean pulls (60/65/70kg)
clean and jerk (2x40/45/47.5/52.5(PR)/57.5kg(f))

I was pulling too fast on the first phase of the squat cleans so Luke had me do deadlift then hang cleans to try and get the feeling.  After a bit more struggle he stopped the class and did a little demo on how to "lock" in on the start of the lift - really pulling your shoulders back/ tightening up the little muscles in the middle (these are weak on me and I'm constantly told to strengthen them).  His demonstration was solid - he had me lay on my back with one arm extended - he then grabbed my hand and pulled me up/ shook me around and I didn't really lift up much.  He then repeated the same thing but this time had me lock my shoulders back and I was lifted right off the floor because of the connection between my arm and my body.  Definitely got the picture from that and it REALLY did help.  I found that I actually couldn't "explode" off the ground any more because everything was already "locked" and there was nothing to "explode until I got up to my hips and could extend from there.  Sweet.  My squat cleans got solid after that.

I'm loving the clean and jerk now and (almost) squat cleans. Kirst and I started at 40kg (previous PR was 45kg) and it felt easy.  I did another at 45kg before moving to the "official" lifting platform and going for 47.5kg - new PR (easy).  Went up to 52.5 and got that no problem, again the squat clean felt solid it was dropping under on the jerk that I struggle with - I actually pressed the last bit of this one out but it counted.  I talked a bit to Luke to figure out how much I should jump up by (2.5kg or 5kg).  He suggested the 5kg and to make it my last lift.   57.5kg (PR on squat clean). Fair.  I squat cleaned it - it was hard but I made it - then didn't drop/ lock it out on the jerk though I did get it high enough had I dropped under it.  It's the confidence again - I chucked the weight behind me (very casually as Tim put it) so I knew it was over my head.  Next time I got this.  Still very happy with the progress made after the four weeks.  I'm totally ready for Rx-ing Grace at 45kg soon.

This week will be mostly deload - I have bicep tendonitis which is what has been causing issue in my left shoulder the past few weeks (it's a recurring injury unfortunately from overuse) and the only "cure" is rest so I'll be doing lighter weights/ modified wods until it goes away.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

5/8 - Last "Snatch" (PR!)

Last week of our Olympic Lifting Sessions.  Luke wasn't able to make it so Match coached us through it.  As I mentioned in the previous post, I was hurting a bit from the WOD - my shoulders (as usual lately) were pretty tired but somehow felt good once we got going with the lifts - I think because they had been fully warmed up/ utilized in the same movements in the WOD. 

3 minutes skipping
barbell snatch complex (3 rounds of 3 reps):

  • Hang-shrug
  • Hang-shrug high pull
  • Hang muscle snatch
  • Snatch press
  • OHS (hold at bottom for 2-3 seconds)
Jumped right into the work tonight too - I was working on my own tonight - no partner - so I really had to monitor that I was resting enough between sets knowing we were working our way to our 1RM at the end of the session.

3x hang snatch/ 2x OHS (23/25.5kg)
4x3 hang snatch (25.5/25.5/28kg)
4x2 snatch balance (23/25.5/25.5/28)
5x 1 snatch (35.5/38/40(f)/40(f)/40kgPR)

We had plenty of time to work on our 1RM snatch attempts however all "official" attempts had to be made on the two platforms in front of everyone which was a little intimidating but also really supportive and "real world".  I managed to actually get my first attempt at 40kg however it wouldn't have actually counted as a snatch as I pushed it out at the top. I had plenty of extension and got the bar high enough but I don't have the confidence to drop under it - you can clearly see this in the sequence of photos that Kirst took.  Instant feedback - quite good.  Second attempt at 40kg I dropped but didn't lock out the bar overhead and missed it but I was determined.  Attempt 3 I got it (finally!) but it still wasn't pretty - I turn my head to the side and close my eyes (again, photo evidence) so I have to find the confidence because I definitely have the strength.  It was really fun though and so happy to up my PR which was previously 35kg (set during the open) - though not really a true 1RM PR as I did 27 reps of it.  Heh.

 I learned a lot during these sessions.  It was great to have the time to break the movement down beyond what we'd get in the beginning of a standard WOD.  I also really enjoyed the repetition of each week - the same movements for the most part and gaining the confidence (though I still have a way to go).  Final clean and jerk session Friday and I'm excited to see what kind of PR that will bring as well.

Congrats to everyone snatching last night - lots of PR's set! And big thanks to Tim for being so encouraging all evening... sweet work on that PR - you'll be hitting 80kg in no time!

5/8 - AMRAP 7/7/7

7 min AMRAP
10 bumper OH lunges (10/20kg)
10 clean & presses (30/45kg)
5/5 (23kg)
–1 min rest–
7 min AMRAP
10 push-ups
10 overhead squats (30/45kg)
4/8 (23kg)
–1 min rest–
7 min AMRAP
10 burpee plate jumps
10 thrusters (30/45kg)
3/3 (23kg)

Long WOD today - three 7 minute AMRAPs.  I knew I'd be going light as it was also our last night of Snatch Technique tonight too and I knew there would be a chance to test our maxes.  Even at 23kg* it still hurt.

In the first AMRAP I managed to do all the clean and presses in solid sets of 10.  My cleans feel so much better after all the technique focus lately.  The overhead lunges were tough on my tired quads but managed to do them all unbroken as well.  Was happy to complete 5 rounds plus.

The second AMRAP got harder quite fast.  My shoulders were pretty much done after the first one and the push-ups - started out in sets of 5 and quickly dropped down to 2 and 3's max - didn't help much and the OHS only compounded this fact.  I felt quite solid snatching the bar to overhead though on the OHS which I did in two sets of 5's each round.

Last AMRAP - ouch!  That's pretty much the only description.  It was about surviving, getting through it.  The burpees were as always just about keeping a steady pace through out and the thrusters killed though my squats felt good.  Bit disappointed I didn't get more than 3 full rounds but with how I was feeling it made sense.  Killer.

Had a bit of a rest then it was our last Snatch session.  More on that in the next post.

*I realized it's kind of crazy to consider 23kg "light" as it's 50lbs. My head still has trouble with kg in this context unless I convert it to lbs. 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

5/7 - bar hops and cleans... oh my!

Back at it last night after a ton of nothingness on Saturday night and Sunday.  I was pretty exhausted from the team competition, mostly fatigue and some soreness in my lower back.  I think I was asleep by 8pm or so on Saturday night and followed that with an amazing nap on Sunday afternoon.

Got to the box a bit early and started to stretch out the shoulders which instantly told me how tired they still were.  On the warm-up skipping I also felt my quads.  I knew it'd be a tough WOD but it was a short 6 minute AMRAP so I knew I could push through.

6 min AMRAP
5 deadlifts (50/75kg)
5 bar hops
5 hang cleans (50/75kg)
5 bar hops
5 cleans (50/75kg)
5 bar hops
3 rounds (40kg)

Apparently I can't read very well.  In my head when Coach Match said that over and back was one rep for the bar hops I got the number 20 stuck in my head - thinking I had to go over the bar a total of 20 times each time so I did a bit of extra work in there - my fault for not reading correctly.  Ha!

Initially I had 45kg on the bar as that's what I'd used the previous Monday when doing HSPU's and heavy cleans but that only lasted through the first 5 hang cleans then I dropped 5kg.  It was probably a pretty good move, it was still hard.  Was happy to finish off the third round in time.

4 rounds
300m run
30 ab mat sit-ups

Surprisingly I really enjoyed this one.  Normally I hope for no running when I look at the board but there was something about the cool air and rain when I arrived that made me hope we'd be outside getting wet and get wet we did.  I think when we started our first run the rain was sideways and we had a crazy head wind on the back side of the building - which was so kindly at our back for part of the last 50m.  I went hard on each round and stayed steady through the ab mat situps (which are starting to feel better each time).  I felt fast - probably due to the rain and the darkness but I'll take it.

Monday, May 7, 2012

5/5 - WOD Team Championships

I probably should have written this recap either after we finished on saturday (was too busy passed out on my sofa) or on Sunday (too sore to even think about moving) but alas, I didn't and I am now stuck wondering where to even start.

The basics I guess - Cooee had two teams (one Rx, one scaled) entered into the WOD Team Championships - an online competition.  From their website:
The main purpose of The WOD Championships is too successfully host a range of online events in which the community can test not only themselves as individuals but also as team members in a team environment.... The WOD Championships will aim to remain the biggest alternative for online competition outside of the Crossfit Open...

I was lucky enough to find myself on a solid, strong and awesomely fun team with Kayla, Pete and Tim in the Rx division.  The WODs came out Friday morning so we had all day to plan, prepare and strategize for how we wanted to attack both the order of the WODs and the WODs themselves.

"Get over it"
6 mins of hanging squat clean and jerk (50/30kg) and partner over-unders.
Score = (women CJ + men CJ) x total over-unders
(53+39) * 67 = 6164

Kayla and Tim (both beasts) started on the CJ's while Pete and I partnered up for the over-unders - basically just as they sound - one person on toes and hands while the other crawls under then jumps over and you switch.  Harder than you would think and most definitely get your heart racing.   I also think I know Pete so much better after this one - at least it was the first WOD and he still smelled good.

Our only strategy for this was to switch both partners (guy and girl) whenever one person who was lifting was starting to tire (but before fatiguing).  This worked well, our transitions happened pretty quickly however we probably missed 5 or so over-unders by not finishing the jump over before moving into the transition - oops.

Tim and Kayla did the majority of the lifting on this one while Pete and I switched out for short bursts - 30kg felt heavy for me personally but I managed - my quads however were burning throughout on the squats - pretty sure the over-unders were taking more out of me than I realized.

WOD 3 (did this second)
"Wall Ball KB Swing"
Progress as far through the ladder as possible in 12 minutes
1 x 6kg wall ball (11ft/9ft)
1 x KB swing (32kg/24kg)
2 x wall ball
2 x KB swing
3 x ... etc.  Increasing reps each round with each team member staying in the same order
Score = total number of kettlebell swings completed for your team
10 rounds + 20 reps = 240 reps

We ordered ourselves as follows: Kayla, Pete, Jac, Tim and practiced a few rounds of our transitions.  The hardest part of this WOD (for me at least) was that you had to catch the final wall ball of the person ahead of you (if it was dropped it was a no rep).  For some reason Pete's wall balls came down hard - each one I had to catch felt like a body slam especially by the end when I was too tired to even try and absorb any of it.  I was catching it underhanded as well, not even in the rack position.  Still, it worked well.

The previous Saturday was the first time I'd ever tried to swing a 24kg KB and this was also only the third time I'd ever done wall balls (only ever in competitions) so going into it I wasn't sure which movement I was more afraid of.  Turns out my wall-balls were solid and it was the KB swings that were killer.  Somewhere around round 5 my back seized up and made the rest of the WOD painful to say the least.  I kept at it though.  Ric (from team Body Snatchers) was counting the KB swings for the girls and was amazing at keeping me going - always positive and encouraging even as I struggled for each rep.  The best was near the end when Kayla (who was doing wall balls at the time) yelled at me to pick up the KB and get finished as she was coming for it - she was quite loud, aggressive and not exactly PG and I loved it!  Got those last two reps out of me pretty quick!

I think overall as a team this one worked well for us.  We moved fluidly through out and communicated well during the transitions.  The first 4 minutes seemed really long and then the last 8 flew by, really strange how that happens in WODs.

After both teams had completed the first two WODs we stopped for a bit and had a pretty solid (paleo) feast as evidenced by one of only two photos I took on the day.

Midday Feast - Yum! And Paleo!

"Max Tonnage"
24 minutes for max tonnage of:
10 chest to bar pull-ups (M) / pull-ups (F)
20 jump lunges
1 deadlift
Score =  (bar one weight x reps) + (bar two weight x reps) + (bar three weight x reps) + (bar four weight x reps)
Rx - 1425kg = 3*140kg + 3*140kg + 3*105kg +3*90kg
Scaled - 2655 = 6*140kg + 6*140kg + 5*105kg +5*90kg

Each person could choose their deadlift weight however once the 24 minute clock started you couldn't change the weight - I think Kayla and I were pretty close to our deadlift PR's and the boys seemed to realize after that they could have probably gone a bit heavier (not that it was easy on any of us).  Each person started at one of the movements and you had to progress through in order each round, only moving on after each person completed their station.

I started on pull-ups having the lowest deadlift weight - we ordered ourselves by overall weight in the instance we finished with partial rotations.  It wasn't until we were warming up again that I realized how tired my body actually was - I wasn't feeling particularly sore anywhere except my lower back and yet the hspu's and pullups felt extremely difficult.  And we were off...

We started pretty solidly though (not surprising) my pull-ups held us up on the first round as again did my hspu's (though oddly these seemed to get easier for me after this round).  We communicated really well as to when to move forward and there was plenty of time to catch your breath before gearing up for one solid deadlift which everyone managed to complete each round - at times with some loud grunts and lots of bar dropping.

In our second rotation Pete started to struggle with the hspu's.  He made a very determined effort and managed to complete the 5 reps but it took a lot out of him and his shoulder was rebelling.  In the third rotation after much struggle we decided collectively to continue to complete the WOD but would scale the movements - Pete did double the number of hand release push ups as we soldiered on.  This was probably one of the highlights of the day for me, where the spirit of crossfit shone - winning is great but that's not why we do this - it's about the camaraderie, the community, and laying it all out there until you just can't any more, every.single.time.  There is no quit, ever.  It would have been easy to just end the day with those 9 minutes remaining but that's not who we are or what we do - not one of us had to think twice about it - we just moved to the next station and kept at it and it made me really proud - to be part of this team - TOGETHER.  

We managed to complete another 3.5 rounds and our day was done.  We had left all our energy and sweat and blood on the floor for those three WODs, for our team and for each other and at the end of it all it's what mattered most.  We all realized some of our weaknesses throughout the day but I think more than that we realized our capabilities, our strengths.  We all pushed farther and harder for each other and that made us great.

Overall it was a great day - I feel that through a collective 92 squat clean and presses, 67 over/unders, 233 wall balls, 220 kb swings, 110(ish) hspu's, 440 jumping lunges, 220 pull-ups and 22 deadlifts and massive amounts of sweat and icy goodness that I know Tim, Pete and Kayla so much better than I did before the day had started.  We crossfit all time as individuals but there's something special in competing as a team.  We all found more within ourselves as part of a collective than we probably would have on our own and I'm humbled by that.  It makes me want to continue to work harder every day along side them for the next time a team comp comes along.

I'm also extremely impressed and proud of the effort of the Body Snatchers (Ric, Neil, Sue and Angie) who pushed just as hard throughout the day and were inspiring to watch. I'm glad we were all in this together.

I didn't need to see two boys in their underwear or Ric ripping his shirt of mid-WOD and I most definitely didn't mean to drive my shoulder into Kayla's boob while practicing over-unders (so sorry) but it made the day memorable.  And as Ric so eloquently put it: "Number 1 whatever the fuck Kayla says! She is one focused scary/inspiring woman!" - I'd listen to her any day and will always be part of her team.  Thanks to Tash and the kids for coming down and cheering us on and to everyone who sent messages and thoughts of encouragement and support. And Badass and Body Snatchers - thank-you for a truly EPIC AND INSPIRING DAY!! 

Post WOD Feast - well deserved! Also, um, Paleo(ish)!

5/4 - "Clean and Jerks"

Week three of Clean and Jerks.  Another good one partnering up with Kirst.  Luke was away so Match was leading us through the exercises.

4 sets 4x hang clean to push press (20/25/30/30kg)
3 sets 1x power clean then 3x front squat (18/23/28/33/38kg)
3x3 power clean and jerk/ hang clean and jerk (23/28/33kg)
3x2 clean pulls (55/60/65/70kg)
2 rep clean and jerk (35/40/45kg)

I knew I'd be taking it a bit easier tonight because of the competition on Saturday but it was still great to go through all the movements.  I'm finding the cleans a ton easier when I get my shoulders out over the bar and drive my momentum upwards rather than back.  The clean pulls are also starting to feel better, like I'm actually about to rip my head off (which is the point) so I'm happy going heavier on them as well.  Probably could have tried for a higher weight on the clean and jerk but didn't want to push it - will save that for next week/ our last session.

Friday, May 4, 2012

5/3 - pistols! abs!

Today was going to be a light day no matter what the programming.  We have an online team comp this weekend and my body needs a break (at least a little one).  I also still feel beaten up especially now after my deep tissue massage that has left me more bruised than the heavy cleans earlier in the week have.

It was nice to see a little couplet on the board. 

OHS (30/45kg)
11:11 (25.5kg)

This was the first time I've ever Rx-ed pistols and they were hard.  I was glistening all over when I finished from the sweat - unbelievable.  My left side is way weaker than my right so that's an area to work on but I was definitely happy to get full depth without any assistance even with a few no reps in there (lifting shoes definitely helped). 

OHS were solid, have been getting lots of practice with the lifting specific sessions.  I went light more because of my shoulders than anything - felt okay. 

Core work – hollow body and ab mat sit-ups

This was some solid core work.  We did hollow body flutters - hollow body hold while pumping your arms by your sides - we did sets of 10-20-30-40-50-40-30-20-10 (all had to be unbroken).  It took me 2:12 - I didn't have much rest until I got into the higher numbers.  The fact that Coach Pete has been having us do so many hollow body holds has definitely helped.

We all thought this was the end of our day but we were otherwise surprised.  Yes, it is indeed ab mat sit-ups week so of course there'd be some today.  It was max attempt at ab mat sit-ups, no stopping but you could go as fast or as slow as you wanted to.  The record before us was 136 reps.  I had planned to stop at about 100 but Kayla (on my team for Saturday) kept going and I realized beating the previous wasn't far off... once at 136, 150 seemed close enough but again, others were still going.  To be honest I could have done these for a really long time - you get to a point where you just accept the ache and keep moving - Kayla stopped at 225 and I did the same.  It was a draw - though we both could possibly still be there if we didn't decide to stop.  It's not good however that I've already sneezed twice today - the general hurt isn't there but the sneezing, that does hurt.

Team WODs were posted this morning for the comp this weekend, they look fun...

WOD 1 - Get over it
6 mins of hanging squat clean and jerk and partner over-unders
Score = total over-unders x total (male + female) HSCJ
 WOD 2 - Max Tonnage
24 minutes for max tonnage of:
10 chest to bar pull-ups (M) / pull-ups (F)
20 jump lunges
1 deadlift
Score = total kg of deadlifts lifted (total tonnes by all team members)

WOD 3 - Wall Ball KB Swing
Progress as far through the ladder as possible in 12 minutes:
1 wall ball/ 1 KB swing (32/24kg)
2 wall ball/ 2 KB swing...
Only one team member doing wall balls at a time - each person goes through one before moving on...
Score = total number of kettlebell swings completed for your team

Should be a fun day, we have a wicked team (Pete, Tim, Kayla, myself)... looking forward to it!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

5/1 - "Snatch"

Week three of our Olympic Lifting Sessions with Luke.  I felt okay going into this though a little tired from the WOD and shoulders were still unhappy - hoping to get that fixed up tonight.

3 minutes skipping
barbell snatch complex (3 rounds of 3 reps):

  • Hang-shrug
  • Hang-shrug high pull
  • Hang muscle snatch
  • Snatch press
  • OHS (hold at bottom for 2-3 seconds)
I like the routine and how the group responds - we get right down to things and move seamlessly through it - some of faster than others...

5x hang snatch (20/20/23/23kg)
1x snatch/ 5x OHS (23/25.5/28kg)
2 reps of 1x power snatch/ 1x hang snatch/ 1x OHS (23/23/25.5kg)
2x snatch grip deadlift (40/50/60/70kg)
2x snatch (28/28/33/33/35.5/28/28kg)

Not much to comment on here, just some highlights (progress/ practice):
-I have stopped jumping backwards and now jump up (mostly) because I've brought my shoulders out over the bar rather than being vertical on the start (technical I know) - Progress!
-I'm not comfortable with the OHS - my shoulders feel all kinds of weird overhead though at the end Luke told me to look at my hands - they were closer than should they should be for a snatch so this should help - Practice, practice, practice!

-I threw the bar over my head on one of the snatch attempts - I couldn't catch it and bailed it behind me - was the first time I'd done this and realized it's not so bad - that being said my confidence was a little shaken on the next lift - Practice!
-I love snatch grip deadlifts as much as normal grip deadlifts - feels strong - Progress.
-I need more confidence dropping under the bar and knowing my arms will lock out - I'm jumping wider than I should be because I'm afraid and it's making me lose my balance - Practice.

Going to get some needling done on my shoulders tonight so hopefully that helps with some of my mobility issues.  I notice that over the past week or so I've been compensating for shoulder pain in some very weird ways (hello bruised shoulder) so I need to get on this asap as I don't want to develop any bad habits.

This is the madness of my workout log

5/1 - every minute...

Fun change up today as we did a WOD that was in the style of 'Fight Gone Bad' with different movements.

3 rounds
1 min pull-ups
1 min KB swings (20/32kg)
1 min double-unders
1 min hand release push-ups
1 min ab mat sit-ups
1 min rest
Score = total reps of all rounds
399 Rx

Pretty sad I was soclose to 400 but didn't quite make it even after I added up my rounds a dozen times.   The rounds went like this:

Pull-ups 12/12/10
KB Swings 18/15/12
DU's 60/55/50
Push-ups 20/26/25
Sit-ups 25/30/29
 Total 135/138/126

I was happy to beat my score in the second round but really struggled to hold on in round three.  Especially with the pullups and KB swings - my forearms got really tight.  The double-unders were solid until my shoulders would tire out and I'd need to rest.  But tried to keep them steady and bank as many reps with them as I could.  The pull-ups were evil - when I'd put the rope down I kept thinking that it was on to sit-ups but the push-ups would sneak in there and hurt (in such a good way).  Then sit ups, on the ab mat.  Definitely feeling those today - all of them.

Kayla gave me some great feedback on the pull-ups, I need to just grab the bar and give a big kick to get going rather than my little baby kicks which I try and find the rhythm...  will have to remember that!

600m for time

Managed to convince Coach Tim to run this with me (he was about to warm up for the 6:30 class).  This really helped me.  It pushed me harder than I probably would have gone.  Was steady on the first lap, not letting Tim pull any distance on me and continued with this on the second which included picking it up a bit on the way out as he turned the corner and then keeping that up, longer strides and sprinting the last 70m into the box.  I didn't love it but I can't say I hated it as much as I usually do either so that's saying something.

Tim and I have also been chatting about doing some track workouts - short interval training as this will likely come up as part of the Primal Throwdown Comp in June which we're gearing up for.

No bruises today thankfully!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

4/30 - heavy...

Today was a heavy day and I LOVED it!  That being said, I also feel like I've been beat up by a barbell but I'll get to that. 

5-5-5 back squat

Matched my PR on this one though I didn't know it at the time.  This time however it was a 5RM instead of a 3RM.  It was definitely hard but I think I might have been able to go higher if I was feeling it (I wasn't).  Getting stronger though - I really do love seeing the improvement. 

Note - I have to hold the bar lower on my back rather than up near my neck - I'm feeling sore/bruised today from having the bar too high.  Ouch!

Power cleans (50/75kg)
8:36 (Rx, 45kg)

We have a team doing the WOD Team Championships this weekend and their Rx criteria for women on hspu's is 60cm so I had my hands on 10kg plates and my head down to an ab mat.  I managed the first set in 5-4 reps with kipping and surprisingly didn't fall off the wall as I did (usually I do).  The second set of 7 was broken down as 2-3-1-1.  The last two were hard.  I really had to set myself up for a solid kip and give it everything I had on the push.  The last 5 were ugly, all singles and I did no-rep myself on one of them because I fell off the wall before being fully locked out at the top with my feet on the wall - by this point everyone else was finished but I didn't care.  I didn't see a reason to cheat myself by counting the rep just to save a few seconds - I got stronger because of that one full rep.

The cleans were HEAVY.  To put it into context - I'd only ever squat cleaned 45kg twice and that was last Friday during our clean and jerk session, not during a WOD.  It was hard - but that's the point isn't it?  I actually didn't squat clean these as I'm still learning to be comfortable in that movement.  I power cleaned them all though by the end they were anything but pretty - I have the bruises to prove it too!  The one thing I was aware of was to feel the tension on the bar and pull my shoulders back before starting the lift and to be smooth from the ground until exploding in the hang position.  Coach Luke was definitely in my head on these - I'm learning.

I was the last person finished by a minute and a half - most people were done by 4 minutes.  I realized on my last set of hspu's that it was only Oli and I and then only me on the cleans and the entire class was watching.  Coach Match was cheering me on through which helped, I pushed as hard as I could to the finish but it was not fast at all.  Just steady.  I loved it though - the heavy cleans made me feel like a beast if only for the moment.

Barbell won this one!