Sunday, August 21, 2016

18/8/2016 - Shoulders and Abs

Been a bit quiet this week.  Started off with the usual Monday night game of ultimate with all the running which was fun.  It was a little muddy and a lot slippery which made for a very tight game (I think we actually tied at the end of it all).  The next two days my abs were on fire.  A bit shocking really but also good I guess.

The days got a bit away from me and so it wasn't until Thursday night that I jumped onto another workout.

It was tough on the shoulders and abs (again) that's for sure.

For Time
Shoulder to Overhead (S2OH) (45kg)
7:41 @30kg

That got heavy really quickly.  In warm-up 30kg felt solid though I knew it would be a bit of a stretch considering the current state of my strength.

I started solidly doing the first 11 reps unbroken.  In hindsight this might have been a bit of a mistake as from then on I slowed down considerably and broke all the sets down into no more than 6 reps going 6-5-4 in the round of 15, 6-4 in the round of 10 then 5 unbroken (though a little ugly). 

I had a coach way back who always said to do (at least) one more than half of the reps if you're going to break things up and I have always kept this in mind.  It's easier to pick up the bar for 4 rather than 5 or in the case of 15 to do one less each set.  Most numbers break up nicely this way too.  I know it's a minor thing but in the middle of a tough WOD I personally find it makes a difference mentally.

The v-ups also got taxing quite quickly - both a reflection of the strength of my abs and also how much I was using them still on the S2OH trying to stabilize my core.

This was a good WOD.   Felt it at the end of it all which I guess more than anything is the most you can really ask for.

Oh, and in case it wasn't obvious already - this was another Southern Crossfit programmed WOD.  Thanks guys!

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